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Suit Up for Launch with Shay!

Target Grades: 3rd - 5th
Duration: 4 weeks (2 sessions per week, 1 hour each)
Learning Objectives:
Students will:

  1. Explore the roles and responsibilities of astronauts.

  2. Understand the purpose and components of a launch and entry suit.

  3. Develop curiosity and skills through hands-on activities and creative expression.

   4. Learn the importance of teamwork and preparation in STEM fields.

Week 1: Introduction to Astronauts and Space Exploration

Session 1: What Do Astronauts Do?

  • Read: Pages 1-5

  • Discussion:

    • What do astronauts do in space?

    • Why is preparation important for astronauts?

  • Activity:

    • Create a chart of "Jobs in Space" (e.g., scientist, pilot, engineer).

    • Students brainstorm what they’d like to do in space and draw a picture of themselves as astronauts.

Session 2: Why Do Astronauts Wear Suits?

  • Read: Pages 6-9

  • Discussion:

    • Why do astronauts need special suits?

    • How fast do rockets travel?

  • Activity:

    • Create a timeline of a space mission from preparation to launch (students can use visuals and captions)

Week 2: Exploring the Launch and Entry Suit

Session 3: Layers of the Suit

  • Read: Pages 10-13

  • Discussion:

    • What are the layers of the astronaut suit, and why are they important?

    • Why is the suit orange?

  • Activity:

    • Build a suit diagram: Provide printed outlines of an astronaut suit. Students label the layers and describe their functions.

Session 4: Suit Up Like an Astronaut

  • Read: Pages 14-17

  • Discussion:

    • What special clothing do astronauts wear under their suits?

    • Why do astronauts need diapers?

  • Activity:

    • Mock astronaut dressing: Bring costume pieces (e.g., helmets, gloves, boots, "diapers") and let students role-play dressing up while narrating each step

Week 3: Preparing for Space Travel

Session 5: Getting Ready for Launch

  • Read: Pages 18-20

  • Discussion:

    • Why is teamwork important for astronauts and suit technicians?

    • How do astronauts communicate during a mission?

  • Activity:

    • Communication game: Pair students and have them give each other instructions to perform a task (e.g., drawing a rocket).

Session 6: Launch Day

  • Discussion:

    • Review the steps to suit up and board the rocket.

    • Talk about emotions astronauts might feel on launch day.

  • Activity:

    • Create a "Countdown to Launch" poster: Each student contributes a step or fact about launch preparation.

Week 4: Creative and Collaborative Space Adventures

Session 7: Design Your Own Space Suit

  • Activity:

    • Students design a custom space suit for a mission (add colors, patterns, and gadgets).

    • Present their designs and explain how the suit would work in space.

Session 8: Launch Simulation and Celebration

  • Activity:

    • Simulate a rocket launch: Divide students into teams (astronauts, mission control, and suit techs).

    • Practice suiting up, strapping into the "rocket," and counting down to launch.

    • Host a celebration: Students share what they learned and display their projects.

Curriculum: Suit Up for Launch with Shay!

Grade Levels: 3-5
Duration: 4 Weeks (Adjustable)

  • Understand the purpose and components of an astronaut's launch and entry suit.

  • Explore the life and achievements of Sharon Caples McDougle.

  • Develop critical thinking and design skills by creating a new space suit.

Week 1: Introduction to Space and Astronauts

Lesson 1: What Do Astronauts Do?

  • Reading: Pages 1-5 of Suit Up for Launch with Shay!

  • Activity:

    • Students list all the professions Shay considered before choosing to be an astronaut.

    • Discuss why astronauts need special training and gear


Week 2: The Launch and Entry Suit

Lesson 2: Layers of the Suit

  • Reading: Pages 6-14 of Suit Up for Launch with Shay!

  • Activity:

  • Students draw and label the three main layers of an astronaut's suit.

  • Discuss the importance of the orange color.

Quiz 2: Fill in the Blank

  1. The inner layer of the suit is called the __________.

The orange outer cover helps astronauts be __________ in emergencies

Lesson 3: Special Gear

  • Reading: Pages 15-21 of Suit Up for Launch with Shay!

  • Activity:

  • Students create a checklist of all items astronauts must wear before launch.

  • Role-play: Pair students as astronauts and “suit techs” to practice suiting up using costumes or illustrations.

Quiz 3: True/False

  1. Astronauts put on their gloves first. (False)

  2. Special underwear helps keep astronauts cool. (True)

Week 3: Sharon Caples McDougle – A Role Model

Lesson 4: Who is Sharon Caples McDougle?

  • Reading: Biography of Sharon Caples McDougle (provided as a PDF or video).

  • Activity:

  • Timeline activity: Students create a timeline of Sharon McDougle’s career milestones.

  • Discuss Sharon’s role as a suit technician and her impact on space exploration.

Quiz 4: Short Answer

  1. What is Sharon McDougle’s connection to space exploration?
    (Answer: She was a suit technician and prepared astronauts for space missions.)

Name one obstacle Sharon McDougle overcame in her career.

Week 4: Final Project – Designing a Space Suit

Lesson 5: Designing for the Future

  • Activity:

    • Students design their own space suit using art supplies or digital tools (e.g., Canva, Google Drawings).

    • Include explanations of the materials, features, and why their design is unique.


Students present their designs to the class, explaining their choices.

Rubric for Project:

  • Creativity (30 points)

  • Functionality (30 points)

  • Presentation and Explanation (20 points)

  • Effort (20 points)

Assessment & Completion

Final Quiz:

  • Combination of all topics:

    1. What color is the launch and entry suit? (Answer: Orange)

    2. What layer helps keep astronauts cool? (Answer: Special underwear)

    3. Who is Sharon McDougle, and why is she important?

(Answer: Suit technician who contributed to space exploration.)

Supplemental Videos:

Printable Activities:

  • Suit coloring pages

  • Word search with astronaut-related terms

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©2019-2025  by Modern Day Hidden Figure - Sharon Caples McDougle. Proudly created with Being That Girl

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