Suit Up for Launch with Shay!
Target Grades: 3rd - 5th
Duration: 4 weeks (2 sessions per week, 1 hour each)
Learning Objectives:
Students will:
Explore the roles and responsibilities of astronauts.
Understand the purpose and components of a launch and entry suit.
Develop curiosity and skills through hands-on activities and creative expression.
4. Learn the importance of teamwork and preparation in STEM fields.
Week 1: Introduction to Astronauts and Space Exploration
Session 1: What Do Astronauts Do?
Read: Pages 1-5
What do astronauts do in space?
Why is preparation important for astronauts?
Create a chart of "Jobs in Space" (e.g., scientist, pilot, engineer).
Students brainstorm what they’d like to do in space and draw a picture of themselves as astronauts.
Session 2: Why Do Astronauts Wear Suits?
Read: Pages 6-9
Why do astronauts need special suits?
How fast do rockets travel?
Create a timeline of a space mission from preparation to launch (students can use visuals and captions)
Week 2: Exploring the Launch and Entry Suit
Session 3: Layers of the Suit
Read: Pages 10-13
What are the layers of the astronaut suit, and why are they important?
Why is the suit orange?
Build a suit diagram: Provide printed outlines of an astronaut suit. Students label the layers and describe their functions.
Session 4: Suit Up Like an Astronaut
Read: Pages 14-17
What special clothing do astronauts wear under their suits?
Why do astronauts need diapers?
Mock astronaut dressing: Bring costume pieces (e.g., helmets, gloves, boots, "diapers") and let students role-play dressing up while narrating each step
Week 3: Preparing for Space Travel
Session 5: Getting Ready for Launch
Read: Pages 18-20
Why is teamwork important for astronauts and suit technicians?
How do astronauts communicate during a mission?
Communication game: Pair students and have them give each other instructions to perform a task (e.g., drawing a rocket).
Session 6: Launch Day
Review the steps to suit up and board the rocket.
Talk about emotions astronauts might feel on launch day.
Create a "Countdown to Launch" poster: Each student contributes a step or fact about launch preparation.
Week 4: Creative and Collaborative Space Adventures
Session 7: Design Your Own Space Suit
Students design a custom space suit for a mission (add colors, patterns, and gadgets).
Present their designs and explain how the suit would work in space.
Session 8: Launch Simulation and Celebration
Simulate a rocket launch: Divide students into teams (astronauts, mission control, and suit techs).
Practice suiting up, strapping into the "rocket," and counting down to launch.
Host a celebration: Students share what they learned and display their projects.
Curriculum: Suit Up for Launch with Shay!
Grade Levels: 3-5
Duration: 4 Weeks (Adjustable)
Understand the purpose and components of an astronaut's launch and entry suit.
Explore the life and achievements of Sharon Caples McDougle.
Develop critical thinking and design skills by creating a new space suit.
Week 1: Introduction to Space and Astronauts
Lesson 1: What Do Astronauts Do?
Reading: Pages 1-5 of Suit Up for Launch with Shay!
Students list all the professions Shay considered before choosing to be an astronaut.
Discuss why astronauts need special training and gear
Week 2: The Launch and Entry Suit
Lesson 2: Layers of the Suit
Reading: Pages 6-14 of Suit Up for Launch with Shay!
Students draw and label the three main layers of an astronaut's suit.
Discuss the importance of the orange color.
Quiz 2: Fill in the Blank
The inner layer of the suit is called the __________.
The orange outer cover helps astronauts be __________ in emergencies
Lesson 3: Special Gear
Reading: Pages 15-21 of Suit Up for Launch with Shay!
Students create a checklist of all items astronauts must wear before launch.
Role-play: Pair students as astronauts and “suit techs” to practice suiting up using costumes or illustrations.
Quiz 3: True/False
Astronauts put on their gloves first. (False)
Special underwear helps keep astronauts cool. (True)
Week 3: Sharon Caples McDougle – A Role Model
Lesson 4: Who is Sharon Caples McDougle?
Reading: Biography of Sharon Caples McDougle (provided as a PDF or video).
Timeline activity: Students create a timeline of Sharon McDougle’s career milestones.
Discuss Sharon’s role as a suit technician and her impact on space exploration.
Quiz 4: Short Answer
What is Sharon McDougle’s connection to space exploration?
(Answer: She was a suit technician and prepared astronauts for space missions.)
Name one obstacle Sharon McDougle overcame in her career.
Week 4: Final Project – Designing a Space Suit
Lesson 5: Designing for the Future
Students design their own space suit using art supplies or digital tools (e.g., Canva, Google Drawings).
Include explanations of the materials, features, and why their design is unique.
Students present their designs to the class, explaining their choices.
Rubric for Project:
Creativity (30 points)
Functionality (30 points)
Presentation and Explanation (20 points)
Effort (20 points)
Assessment & Completion
Final Quiz:
Combination of all topics:
What color is the launch and entry suit? (Answer: Orange)
What layer helps keep astronauts cool? (Answer: Special underwear)
Who is Sharon McDougle, and why is she important?
(Answer: Suit technician who contributed to space exploration.)
Supplemental Videos:
Printable Activities:
Suit coloring pages
Word search with astronaut-related terms