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Ross-Nazzal: So the mission meant a lot to you. If you had to summarize, what do you think the mission meant to you as an African-American woman or as a US citizen?

McDougle: It meant that we finally made it once again, another achievement under a black woman’s belt. I do feel it’s more special to me when it’s a black woman doing something for the first time. I still felt so proud that as a black woman I was able to be her suit tech—there for her, to take care of her. It’s like I mentioned before, it’s like family. It’s like,

That’s my sister going into space.” It was very emotional because she was the first. She’s always going to be the first. She’s the first black woman in space. She mentioned in one of her books that all the teachers and everybody would try to tell her, “Oh you need to focus on just girl-related jobs and not think that big about being an astronaut or anything like that.” I think that was one of the driving forces behind her, people telling her, “You can’t do it,” or “You shouldn’t do it.”

She never talked about herself. I thought that was just great, because I thought somebody that’s done so much and knows so much would—not in a conceited way. If you ask her questions, she won’t go on and on about it. She’ll just give you a direct answer; very modest. I think I would be tooting my own horn more if I had all her accomplishments under my belt. Not in a negative way, but if somebody asked I’d probably go into depth about everything. I guess Mae just let her accomplishments speak for themselves.

Not that I expected her to be conceited or anything, but she has every right to be. She was total opposite of that. You always felt so comfortable around her. It’s like she wanted to make sure I was comfortable and feeling okay, and I felt I’m supposed to be doing that for her. I was there for her. She’s so caring and sweet, even to this day. I don’t get to talk with her and hang out with her, but every time I do see her I feel real good. It’s such a warmth that’s emanating from her all the time. Everybody wants to come up to her, “That’s Dr. Jemison.” I’m so proud and so happy I was part of this.

For example, her telling you about me, she didn’t have to do that. That’s just how she is. Like I said, the ultimate was when she put me on the same level with all those outstanding women. When she did that, that really let me know how much she thought of me. That was the top. I was just like “Wow.” The little people. She doesn’t look at you like that. I looked at myself like that; she didn’t. This is getting her ready. That’s launch morning.

This has always been the highlight of my career, always will be, always. That was after TCDT when they were coming down. We were walking back to the van to take them back to the O&C Building. We were just talking. I miss that. I miss being a suit tech; it’s a fun job. This was another they did when she came back in the Houston paper. [Shows article] Of course I cut it out of the paper, “Ex-astronaut happy to be a role model.” She’s definitely a wonderful role model.

She has a science and technology camp that she also brought me out to in Chicago way before the Women in Flight gala. I brought the suit out and did the whole dog and pony show for the kids. She’s always looking for different things for the kids. She wanted me to share this experience with the kids. When she asks you to do something you know that she’s going to take care of you.

I love this picture. STS-047-37-003.] She looks so cute floating in space. This is just a bigger version of that invitation. It was so pretty. They made T-shirts, and I have one. Her T-shirt has her autograph already on the front, so people didn’t have to ask her. I saved it of course. And I have an STS-47 T-shirt with all the crew members’ signatures on it.

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